2012年8月30日 Maria Montessori 142歲冥誕

Google 為了慶祝 Maria Montessori 142歲冥誕,設計了Google Doodle,呈現了在蒙特梭利幼稚園與小學教室中的工作,包括小數架、金屬嵌板、三項式、語文工作。

"If you have children you hopefully know her. Maria Montessori is best known for her philosophy of education. She was also was a physician and educator, a noted humanitarian and devout Catholic. Her educational method is in use today in public and private schools throughout the world. In very short she said: A teacher is not a master, but an observer and companion. Focus on what children want to learn and they will learn. "

‪#‎蒙特梭利‬ ‪#‎生日‬ ‪#‎小學‬ ‪#‎小數架‬ ‪#‎金屬嵌板‬ ‪#‎三項式‬ ‪#‎語文‬

Google celebrates Maria Montessori's 142nd birthday. If you have children you hopefully know her. Maria Montessori is best known for her philosophy of educat...
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    啟心蒙特梭利實驗教育 Inspiring Montessori Education

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