根據BBC的報導,兩歲的小王子要去 Westacre Montessori School Nursery。
"The school follows the principles of an Italian doctor called Maria Montessori who developed a new approach to teaching in the early 20th Century, in which children take responsibility for their own learning.
Analysis: What goes on in a Montessori nursery?
The Montessori teaching method was developed by Italy's first female professor in the slums of Rome in the early 1900s.
Working with special needs children, Dr Maria Montessori developed a child-centred approach using the classroom as her laboratory.
Utilising children's natural instinct to learn through play, children are free to develop at their own pace.
They choose the activities they want to pursue, in effect being trusted as the masters of their own development.
Much Montessori philosophy has been incorporated as best practice regular nurseries.
Staff may lead activities, such as identifying sand paper numbers, which children will be encouraged but not obliged to take part in.
Montessori nurseries, can be quite different however, with some following the principles more closely than others.
To use the name, a nursery must have a Montessori-trained member of staff."
#BBC #Prince George